Just a perfect moment …. Buon fine settimana !

Buon fine settimana con i miei scatti di fine ottobre pioggia sottile, nuvole basse, cambio di orario e giornate come piacciono a me corre di luce

Le mele nuove raccolte per terra durante la mia passeggiata.

@ foto Snowinluxury 2024

  1. Maria Luisa Mottola

    The Real Person!

    Author Maria Luisa Mottola acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
    Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    The Real Person!

    Author Maria Luisa Mottola acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
    Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
    ha detto:

    Buon fine settimana cara Lory a te e Frank!
    Fotografie d’autunno stupende!

  2. elisabetta

    The Real Person!

    Author elisabetta acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
    Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    The Real Person!

    Author elisabetta acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
    Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
    ha detto:

    Bellissime le tue foto qua a milano 20 gradi e sole ma meo male abbiamo avuto pioggia da maggio con interruzione solo ad agosto

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Fiorella Spagnoli Web Developer
disclaimer: Some pictures posted here are taken from the internet, they are not mine, just sharing what I love. If you have copyright over any of them, send me an e-mail and I will take it out.
Note some photos are edited nevertheless no copyright infringement intended.